Annual Drive

Christ the King Annual Drive

Annual Drive

The Annual Drive is support for the operating budget, including the extra programs that give our students a strong academic and spiritual foundation for the future. At the same time, the Annual Drive is a means of reaching a high percentage of parent and faculty participation to assist our grant writing efforts.


Support for the Annual Drive is support for programs that give Christ the King Catholic School its distinction in education. Curriculum enrichment, extracurricular programs, current technology, and a notable array of field trips are made possible through the generosity of our community.


The Annual Drive is a simple way of giving, requiring minimal cost and volunteer time. Parents take the lead in promoting the Annual Drive, while the school provides the management. Annual Drive gifts go directly to school operations, providing vital support for current needs, including core activities, with the benefit of a tax deduction for donors.


Christ the King School, as part of its mission to provide affordable Catholic education, operates with a Gap between tuition and the cost to educate each child. This Gap is bridged by an annual contribution from the Church, income from the Endowment, and the Annual Drive.


Our goal is 100% participation by parents and faculty. Reaching a high level of participation can be critical in obtaining outside support, as foundations look for a substantial level of commitment within organizations they choose to fund.


Click to make an immediate DONATION.

Click to make a PLEDGE.

Christ the King School

Support for the Annual Drive is support for programs that give Christ the King Catholic School its distinction in education. Curriculum enrichment, extracurricular programs, current technology, and a notable array of field trips are made possible through the generosity of our community.


The Annual Drive is a simple way of giving, requiring minimal cost and volunteer time. Parents take the lead in promoting the Annual Drive, while the school provides the management. Annual Drive gifts go directly to school operations, providing vital support for current needs, including core activities, with the benefit of a tax deduction for donors.


Christ the King School, as part of its mission to provide affordable Catholic education, operates with a Gap between tuition and the cost to educate each child. This Gap is bridged by an annual contribution from the Church, income from the Endowment, and the Annual Drive.


Our goal is 100% participation by parents and faculty. Reaching a high level of participation can be critical in obtaining outside support, as foundations look for a substantial level of commitment within organizations they choose to fund.


Click to make an immediate DONATION.

Click to make a PLEDGE.

Grade Captains

4K / DK

Kyle and Margot Goss - Girls
Scott and Emily Deke - Boys


Zack and Heather Klein - Girls
Houston and Kendall Hayden - Boys

First Grade

Andrew and Erin Ortiz - Girls
Michael and Emily Willick - Boys

Second Grade

Matthew and Emily Simon - Girls
John and Camilla Hazelton - Boys

Third Grade

Sean and Elissa McClure - Girls Kurt and Brandy Carlton - Boys

Fourth Grade

Emmanuel and Rochelle Ubinas - Girls
Manuel and Melanie Ramon - Boys

Fifth Grade

Cindy and Kevin Haddad - Girls
Alexander and Paige Brauer - Boys

Sixth Grade

Scott and Lisa Jackson - Girls
Richard and Denise Zulick - Boys

Seventh Grade

Scott and Faye Dieckhaus - Girls
Patrick and Lois Carver - Boys

Eight Grade

Mark and Christina Siepiela - Girls
Marco and Amanda Thornton - Boys