
Christ the King

General Information for Parents

Volunteer opportunities are available in the following areas: cafeteria, library, athletics, concession stand, field day, fundraising, and special events. Volunteers are also needed as room mothers and chaperones for field trips.
View Student Handbook
Annual Fund

How to volunteer

The school could not offer the quality of education, service, and sense of community that it does without parental involvement as volunteers, committee members, and supporters. All jobs are important, and the students are delighted to know that their parents are working for the school.

Keeping the best interests of the students in mind, and providing a safe and secure environment for our youth, is a priority of the Diocese of Dallas and of Christ the King School. To help ensure a safe environment at Christ the King School, all volunteers must complete the following:

Diocesan Screening Form (completed and signed) Background Check Acknowledgment Form Attend Annual Safe Environment Meeting

All parent volunteers must wear their security badges while volunteering.

Volunteer opportunities are available in the following areas: Cafeteria, Library, Athletics, Concession Stand, Field Day, Fundraising, Special Events. Volunteers are also needed as room mothers and chaperones for field trips. Here is a comprehensive list of available volunteer positions:


We rely on volunteers to run the CKS Carnival so please consider signing up for a volunteer shift below. It is important to note that if you cannot make your shift for some reason, please change your sign-ups by Wednesday, Oct. 4th or notify Katie Kennealey (617-388-0446). Reminder: You must be SAFE Environment cleared to volunteer. Thank you for making the CKS Crusaderland Carnival fun by giving your time and hearts to ensure it is a success.

Sign up here


We need your help. There are many different components to putting on an event like this, so don't let the solicitations scare you away.

Sign up here



Coming soon

Spirit Store

There will be multiple opportunities to volunteer with the spirit store this year. We need the creative parents to help design new spirit wear. We need parents to help fill spirit store orders. And we will need parents to help staff the Spirit Store Pop-Ups this year!

Sign up here


Sign up and get the chance to wear a hair net (or your favorite baseball cap) and help serve our students a great meal!

Sign up here


Volunteers are needed to assist during the K-3rd library classes. You will help check books out, shelve returned books, and assist the librarian.

Sign up here

AR Store

YOU can help boost literacy, encourage your child in goal setting, or jump start a career in trinket merchandising all by volunteering at the AR Store!

Sign up here


Moms and Dads, please help bring a smile to our kids' faces, and yours, as they start their day! Parents will be on campus from 7:30-7:50 to open car doors and help children out of the car, as needed, to make carpool more efficient and to give the teachers a break.

Sign up here

Upcoming Events

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