Hope Week

Christ the King

Hope Week

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Dress: Hawaiian ShirtDay! Upper School is invited to wear a Hawaiian shirt over any CKS t-shirt with their uniform bottoms.
Activity: Students will enjoy a Capri Sun with their lunch and have an optional Hope Week challenge in the Parish Center with raffle prize.


Dress: Shine Bright in your neon CKS shirt or bright socks/ hair accessories!
Activity: Optional Hope Week challenge in theParish Center with raffle prize.


Dress: Lei Day! Upper School students will be provided a lei to add to their uniform.
Activity: VBRD Lesson provided by Hope Squad.


Dress: Pre-K Mass (regular winter uniform).
Activity: Upper School students will enjoy a presentation from a Special Guest for Hope Week Education.


Dress: All School Mass (formal uniform day).
Activity: Optional Hope Week Challenge in Parish Center with raffle prize.